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Kind Words
As a part of my Cambridge Admissions Tutoring Service, I routinely organise expert engagement sessions between my enthusiastic and accomplished network of Cambridge peers and my students. These events have been hugely popular, and here are some kind words written by valued students and speakers who have participated in them.
"Thank you so much for organising the QnAs, I enjoyed listening to the speakers and asking questions a lot as it was very informative and made me feel very excited about my future in maths and engineering."
Year 11 Student, Sevenoaks School (Interested in Applying for Engineering, Physics and Mathematics and Philosophy)
"I found the talks really insightful and interesting. I learnt a lot from the QnAs last night and am very grateful!”
Rohan Garg, Year 12 Student, Sevenoaks School (Interested in Applying for Physics or Finance)
“The insights I gained about the admissions process, as well as academia in physics and mathematics, were truly invaluable. It has inspired me to pursue my journey in these fields with even greater enthusiasm."
Year 11 Student, Sevenoaks School (Interested in Applying for Physics, Mathematics and Philosophy)
“Being a speaker for these events has been great! It’s a fantastic opportunity to speak about the realities of life as an physicist and PhD student in Cambridge, and show that a fulfilling career not just for super-geniuses. Additionally, they’re very well organised."
Physics PhD Student and Supervisor, St John's College, Cambridge
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